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Literacy in India - Wikipedia. Literacy rate map of India, 2. Literacy in India is a key for socio- economic progress,[2] and the Indianliteracy rate has grown to 7. British rule in 1.

Although this was a greater than sixfold improvement, the level is below the world average literacy rate of 8. India currently has the largest illiterate population.[7] Despite government programmes, India's literacy rate increased only "sluggishly".[8] The 2. An old 1. 99. 0 study estimated that it would take until 2.

When the Roman Empire disintegrated over the course of the fifth century, only half of it actually fell, the western half. The eastern half of the Roman Empire would. Modi is here for another 7 years and Oppn can do little about it, writes Vir Sanghvi Most Indians believe that Modi will win the next election and therefore a second.

India to achieve universal literacy at then- current rate of progress.[9]There is a wide gender disparity in the literacy rate in India: effective literacy rates (age 7 and above) in 2. The low female literacy rate has had a dramatically negative impact on family planning and population stabillisation efforts in India. Studies have indicated that female literacy is a strong predictor of the use of contraception among married Indian couples, even when women do not otherwise have economic independence.[1. The census provided a positive indication that growth in female literacy rates (1. Comparative literacy statistics on country[edit]The table below shows the adult and youth literacy rates for India and some neighbouring countries in 2. Adult literacy rate is based on the 1.

Literacy rate disparity[edit]One of the main factors contributing to this relatively low literacy rate is usefulness of education and availability of schools in vicinity in rural areas. There is a shortage of classrooms to accommodate all the students in 2. In addition, there is no proper sanitation in most schools. The study of 1. 88 government- run primary schools in central and northern India revealed that 5. In 6. 00,0. 00 villages and multiplying urban slum habitats, 'free and compulsory education' is the basic literacy instruction dispensed by barely qualified 'para teachers'.[2.

The average Pupil Teacher Ratio for All India is 4. Swelter Full Movie Online Free. Such inadequacies resulted in a non- standardized school system where literacy rates may differ.[2. Furthermore, the expenditure allocated to education was never above 4. GDP from 1. 95. 1 to 2.

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Kothari Commission.[2. This further complicates the literacy problem in India. Severe caste disparities also exist.[2. Discrimination of lower castes has resulted in high dropout rates and low enrollment rates. The National Sample Survey Organisation and the National Family Health Survey collected data in India on the percentage of children completing primary school which are reported to be only 3. On 2. 1 February 2.

Prime Minister of India said that he was pained to note that "only 4. I reach class VIII, putting the dropout rate at 5. It is estimated that at least 3.

Absolute poverty in India has also deterred the pursuit of formal education as education is not deemed of as the highest priority among the poor as compared to other basic necessities. The MRP- based (mixed recall period) poverty estimates of about 2. The large proportion of illiterate females is another reason for the low literacy rate in India. Inequality based on gender differences resulted in female literacy rates being lower at 6. Due to strong stereotyping of female and male roles, Sons are thought of to be more useful and hence are educated. Females are pulled to help out on agricultural farms at home as they are increasingly replacing the males on such activities which require no formal education.[3.

Fewer than 2% of girls who engaged in agriculture work attended school.[3. Growth of literacy[edit]The British period[edit]. Literacy in India grew very slowly until independence in 1. An acceleration in the rate of literacy growth occurred in the 1. Prior to the British era, education in Indian commenced under the supervision of a guru in traditional schools called gurukuls. The gurukuls were supported by public donation and were one of the earliest forms of public school offices. However these Gurukuls catered only to the Upper castes males of the Indian society and the overwhelming masses were denied any formal education.

In the colonial era, the gurukul system began to decline as the system promoted by the British began to gradually take over. Between 1. 88. 1–8. English primary schools grew from 8. English Schools grew from 2,0. Literacy rates in accordance to British in India rose from 3. Somewhere Online Putlocker.

In 2. 00. 0–0. 1, there were 6. Total enrolment at the primary level has increased from 1.

The number of high schools in 2. In 1. 94. 4, the Government of British India presented a plan, called the Sergeant Scheme for the educational reconstruction of India, with a goal of producing 1. Although the 4. 0- year time- frame was derided at the time by leaders of the Indian independence movement as being too long a period to achieve universal literacy,[3. India had only just crossed the 7. It should also be noted that the British India censuses identify a significant difference in literacy rates, by: sex, religion, caste and state of residence,[3.

Male %Female %Madras. Bombay. 11. 6. 0. Bengal. 10. 4. 0. Berar. 8. 5. 0. 3.

Assam. 6. 7. 0. 4. Punjab. 6. 4. 0. 3. United Provinces. Central Provinces.

Post- Independence[edit]The provision of universal and compulsory education for all children in the age group of 6–1. Directive Policy in Article 4. Constitution, but it is still to be achieved more than half a century since the Constitution was adopted in 1. Parliament has passed the Constitution 8. Amendment Act, 2.

Fundamental Right for children in the age group of 6–1. In order to provide more funds for education, an education cess of 2 per cent has been imposed on all direct and indirect central taxes through the Finance (No. Act, 2. 00. 4.[3. The literacy rate grew from 1.

During the same period, the population grew from 3. Literacy rate variations between states[edit]India's literacy rate is at 7. Kerala is the most literate state in India, with 9. Bihar is the least literate state in India, with a literacy of 6. Several other social indicators of the two states are correlated with these rates, such as life expectancy at birth (7. Kerala, 6. 5. 6. 6 for males and 6. Bihar), infant mortality per 1,0.

Kerala, 6. 1 in Bihar), birth rate per 1,0. Kerala, 3. 0. 9 in Bihar) and death rate per 1,0. Kerala, 7. 9 in Bihar).[4. Every census since 1. The 2. 00. 1–2. 01. Indian illiterates declined (by 3.

Six Indian states account for about 7. India: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal.[4. Slightly less than half of all Indian illiterates (4. Hindi- speaking states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.[4. Large variations in literacy exist even between contiguous states. While there are few states at the top and bottom, most states are just above or below the national average. Lessons from state literacy efforts in India[edit]Several states in India have executed successful programs to boost literacy rates.

Over time, a set of factors have emerged as being key to success: official will to succeed, deliberate steps to engage the community in administering the programme, adequate funding for infrastructure and teachers, and provisioning additional services which are considered valuable by the community (such as free school lunches). Bihar literacy challenges[edit]Bihar has significantly raised the literacy rate as per the 2. The literacy rate has risen from 3. The Government of Bihar has launched several programs to boost literacy, and its Department of Adult Education even won a UNESCO award in 1. Extensive impoverishment, entrenched hierarchical social divisions and the lack of correlation between educational attainment and job opportunities are often cited in studies of the hurdles literacy programs face in Bihar. Children from "lower castes" are frequently denied school attendance and harassed when they do attend.[4.

In areas where there is no discrimination, poor funding and impoverished families means that children often cannot afford textbooks and stationery.[4.