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And the Memory Wars Wage On – Phenomena: Only Human. I was reminded of the “memory wars” of the 1. Marc Maron’s popular WTF podcast. The guest, comedian Tom Arnold, told Maron about his traumatic childhood, which included an alcoholic mother who abandoned him and a neighbor who molested him. Arnold said he came to terms with the trauma through therapy, which culminated in him confronting the neighbor in person.

Before you read/watch/listen to “If You Can Read This I Can Prove God Exists,” read THIS first. (700 words – 2 minutes) – then come back and continue reading. Last week, we were so happy to report that Kendrick Lamar confirmed his engagement to his high school sweetheart, Whitney Alford. However, it appears that not. Airline chicken Airline chicken can be several things, depending upon who you talk to. It can be a fancy cut, a special presentation, or a negative appelation. The Complete List of 200 Most Useful Websites for College Students. By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Hagia Sophia, or Ayasofya in Turkish, is officially a museum: Turkey’s most-visited monument, whose formally neutral status.

The man denied it, apparently yelling at Arnold that his memories were wrong. It was a heartbreaking story, and obvious from Arnold’s telling that he deeply believes his memories are not at all wrong.

Watch Number 9 HIGH Quality Definitons

I don’t know any details about Arnold’s case other than what he recounted to Maron. I want to believe that his memories are sound, and that confronting his molester provided him with some form of relief. Update, 3/6: And, as a commenter pointed out below, Arnold also said on the podcast that he found several other neighborhood boys who said they had been molested by the same man.) But it must be said that this sort of revelation — in which a person uncovers, through therapy or hypnosis, a memory that had been repressed for years or even decades — happened a lot in the early 1. In October 1. 99. Arnold’s wife at the time, Roseanne (Barr) Arnold, was on the cover of People Magazine with the headline: “Roseanne’s Brave Confession: I AM AN INCEST SURVIVOR.” According to the piece, Roseanne had repressed these memories until Tom, then her fiancé, told her what he had uncovered about his own childhood. Immediately after hearing his story, “I began to shake and sweat,” Roseanne told People.

Pictures started to appear before my eyes—surreal and frightening, looming large, then crystallizing into my mother’s face. I remember being abused.” After more sessions with a therapist, Roseanne began to dream about specific abuse memories. Just a few months earlier, former Miss America Marilyn Van Derbur had made similar claims. And it wasn’t just celebrities. Stories of everyday adults suddenly recovering memories of childhood abuse appeared in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, and Time, among others.

Why was this happening? It was due, at least in part, to several popular books that provided instructions for recovering repressed memories.

The books urged therapists to ask their clients about childhood incest,” notes William Saletan in his excellent 2. Slate series on memory. And they had a huge impact. Women were suing their parents for millions of dollars. Hundreds of accused families sought help.”As these accusations mounted, several high- profile psychology researchers began speaking out against the idea of repressed memories. In a 1. 99. 3 article in American Psychologist, memory researcher Elizabeth Loftus pointed out that little if any scientific evidence supported the idea of repressed memories: Nobody knew how commonly traumatized people repress memories, or how accurate the memories are, or how juries are likely to react to them.

A Virtual Library of Useful URLs – Arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification 006-099 Information & General Reference 001.4 Nobel Prizes, Awards, Rewards (Prizes, etc. I was reminded of the “memory wars” of the 1990s yesterday when listening to an episode of Marc Maron’s popular WTF podcast. The guest, comedian Tom Arnold. The moral argument for the existence of God refers to the claim that God is needed to provide a coherent ontological foundation for the existence of objective moral.

Watch Number 9 HIGH Quality Definitons

And considering the lawsuits waged against alleged abusers, Loftus found this lack of evidence disturbing. When we move from the privacy of the therapy session, in which the client’s reality may be the only reality that is important, into the courtroom, in which there can be but a single reality, then we as citizens in a democratic society are entitled to more solid evidence,” she wrote. This debate between practicing therapists and research psychologists became known as the memory wars. Over time, scientific criticisms by Loftus and others got more attention in the press, and some accusers recanted their stories. Loftus’s own research helped drive the increased skepticism.

As Saletan’s article describes in depth, Loftus’s studies showed just how easily false memories can be implanted by a trusted source. Whatever happened to the memory wars? Do people still believe in the power of repressed memories? Loftus and her colleagues addressed these questions in last month’s issue of Psychological Science. Their study includes two experiments. In the first, the researchers gave 3. The surveys asked participants whether they agreed or disagreed with various statements.

Some of the statements — such as “Memory is constantly being reconstructed and changed every time we remember something” and “Memory can be unreliable” — are supported by lots of evidence. The respondents seem to have known that, for 9. Other statements focused on repressed memories, which as I mentioned are not rooted in a whole lot of evidence. But the students felt otherwise: 8.

And 8. 6 percent agreed that if a person has emotional problems and needs therapy, childhood sexual assault is a plausible explanation — even if the person has no memory of any kind of abuse. But who cares about college kids. What about the opinions of mental health professionals? Turns out that many of them also believe in repressed memories, though in somewhat lower numbers than they did in the 9. The researchers surveyed hundreds of clinical psychologists, experimental psychologists, psychoanalysts, hypnotherapists, primal therapists, neuro- linguistic programming therapists, life coaches, scientologists (!), and family therapists, as well as (via Mechanical Turk) members of the public in the U. S., U. K., and India. Here’s a comparison of how the beliefs of “mainstream Ph.

D psychotherapists” have changed over the past decade: Patihis et al, 2. They have evidently lost some faith in hypnosis, and have gained respect for the idea of implanting false memories. On the question of the objectivity of repressed memories, though, the responses haven’t changed much, with agreements hovering between 1. Perhaps unsurprisingly, experimental psychologists are more skeptical of repressed memories than are psychoanalysts, and psychoanalysts are more skeptical than “alternative therapists.” Concerning the statement, “Traumatic memories are often repressed,” 2. Loftus and her team take these data to mean that there’s still lots to be done in the way of disseminating findings about memory research to mainstream practitioners and the public at large. These findings suggest that the memory wars are not over,” they write.

Nevertheless, these battles may now be limited largely to discrete pockets of practicing clinicians, especially those with specific theoretical views regarding the nature of memory.”This may be true, but also glazes over a few academics who are more sympathetic to the idea of repressed memories. Take Ross Cheit, a professor of public policy and political science at Brown University. Cheit directs the “Recovered Memory Project,” an online archive of cases of repressed memories that have been independently corroborated. Cheit wasn’t happy with this recent Loftus paper, to say the least. The article is so flawed that one scarcely knows where to begin,” he wrote on the Project’s website. He points to several studies showing that trauma can, rarely, be repressed. Loftus and her colleagues, he adds, “offer a false dichotomy between ‘scientists’ and ‘practitioners,’ ignoring the substantial number of research scientists, like Jennifer Freyd, whose work challenges their beliefs.”To recap: In the 1.

Many of these were probably cases in which the abuse was suggested in therapy, but didn’t actually happen in real life. Watch The Children Vioz. And some of these, some unknown but small number, were probably real cases of abuse. Clearly Tom Arnold believes his case was real, and now many of Marc Maron’s millions of podcast listeners may also believe in the power of repressed memories. For what it’s worth, Arnold’s now ex- wife, Roseanne, has revised her story of abuse. In early 2. 01. 1, Roseanne appeared on the Oprah show and said that she regretted her 1. I think it’s the worst thing I’ve ever done,” Roseanne told Oprah.

The Complete List of 2. Most Useful Websites for College Students.

As a college student, you don’t really know when you’re going to need some extra help for any problem you may encounter during college and time is obviously something you don’t have. Certainly nobody wants to spend hours on search engines to find a quick solution, right? I’ve compiled this list with the hopes you can always refer back to it should you be in need of anything coming from online websites: calculators, resources pages, discounts, homework help, textbooks, study tips, classroom tools, internships and just about every help you can get from the internet. This is an attempt to create the most complete list around the web. Study Tools. 1. Stu.

Docu. What is it. A resource site to find exams and notes that other students from universities all over the world have submitted. How is it useful. If you have trouble with a particular class then you want to make sure you ace that next exam, wouldn’t it be nice to have extra exams and notes to make sure you are ready for any question that may show up on the exam? Heck you might even come across the same question your professor will give you in the next exam. It’ll show you from which university the exam or notes is coming from. If you are lucky you might find your professor’s past exams! Pros& Cons. Best for finding notes, reviews and exams.

Cost. Free. 2. Joe’s Goals. What is it. A very simple tools to track your goals for the month or week. How is it useful.

If you promised yourself to study 2 hours per day for a particular class you can add a check to the days you managed to accomplish it and an X where you couldn’t. Pros and Cons. It’s simple, quick and easy to use. Not useful for planning/keep up with datelines. Cost. Free. Requires subscription for more than 6 goals.

Pomodoro. What is it A simple technique to increase your productivity. Just use a timer to break down your work into intervals of study and short breaks( 2.

How is it useful If you are a procrastinator or someone who cant just concentrate on their work for long periods of time. Then this technique is for you. Extremely useful for those who need some motivation to study consistently for their next exam.

You’ll get more stuff done by limiting your breaks to 5 min every 2. Pros It only requires you to buy a physical timer or use any timer online. Cost Free. 4. Keep Me Out. What is it. A tool to block any website that you may be addicted to. How is it useful. Do you have a term paper due tomorrow or an incoming exam and yet you find yourself wasting precious time checking facebook or playing games?

If so, keep me out will block all of those out for the time you set it to. Useful to remind you not to use it too much. Pros & Cons. Easy, quick and simple to use.

Highly configurable. Will not block your sites altogether. Will only give you a warning when you try to access them. Cost Free. 5. Fltvo. What is it: A website tool to download your favorite videos from youtube in video or audio formats. How is it useful: Don’t have internet connection outside the library or home? Do you have limited internet connectivity only for short periods but you still want to keep listening to that lecture from youtube when you are commuting to college? If so, download your videos to your computer and transfer them to your mobile device so you can still keep enjoying your favorite youtube videos on the go.

Pros: Easy to use. Videos can be download in different formats. Cons: You still need an internet connection! Can take a while to download/convert depending on your connection. Cost: Free. 6. Open. Study. What is it: A website that uses social media for students to ask and answer just about any question they have in mind. How is it useful: When you have a few questions that you just can’t get an asnwer from google search or your textbooks and your professor’s officer hours isn’t till next week.

Use Brainly to ask a question just about any subject from history, psycholopy to math and physics. You’ll eventually get an answer. Pros:  Useful for homework questions. Answers are from experts and students for you to choose from.

Best for questions that are not too math rigorous. Cons: Not useful to find answers quickly for your exam due tomorrow.

Or questions that require a lot of calculations. You need to build points to post a question. Cost: Free. 7. Cheatography. What is it A website containing cheat- sheets from a variety of subjects. How is it useful. If you would like a quick summary for a new subject or you are looking for a cheatsheet for a subject you are just starting to learn. Examples include: “Common Job Interview Questions”, “Key.

Board Short. Cuts”, “Essentials of Biology”. Pros& Cons Good for finding quick summaries and references about a subject you may be researching. Don’t try to find a cheat sheet for your next psychology or physics exam. Cost Free. 8. Study Skills Online. What is it A resource page made by a professor to give you tips and advice on how to ace your exams and classes. How is it useful Who better than a professor himself to teach you how to study and ace your classes? You could get extra advice and tips you may never heard of before.

Pros& Cons Includes a wide variety of subjects such as presentations, lectures, taking notes, exams, job finding and even research or graduate studies. No tools or apps for you to play around with. Just good ol’ fashioned advice. Cost. Free. 9. Marinara Timer.

What is it A productivity timer you can customize. How is it useful If you need to keep yourself reminded of a task every 2. Or if you just wanna limit yourself to check your facebook page for time intervals. This website also has an option to use the Pomodoro Technique (working for 2. Pros Allows you to customize your own personal timer with a lot of different choices for alarm sounds. Cons The logo for the site kind of makes you hungry. Go. Conqr. What is it.

A site with many different resources for just about any topic that include: flashcards, mindmaps, quizzers, courses. How is it useful. If you need to study an unknown or new topic and you want to get started, this is your best place to get a general idea about your topic or coursework. You’ll find a vast amount of resources made by students for students, the most useful feature are the mind maps which break down an entire subject into sub topics for you to study and understand better. You can also connect with people who are studying about your topic and form study groups with them. Pros& Cons. You can find resources for very specific subtopics within your field of study but there aren’t many courses available.

Cost. Free. 11. Memorize. What is it A simple website to create your own memorization tables. Tables can contain diagrams and figures and they can be shared among users. How is it useful If you are taking any class that require to memorize for your exam, you can use this simple site to create your own tables and memorize constants, numbers, meanings, words, etc. Pros& Cons Works much quicker than flashcards. Simple to use. Not useful for formulas and big definitions. Cost Free. 12. Study Guides and Strategies.

What is it. The complete resource website for tips and guides how to study for your exams, learn difficult topics, write papers, do presentations and research, etc. How is it useful. If you find yourself unable to deal with a particular aspect of your coursework, be it presentations, science classes, studying for quizzes and exams or writing research papers. This site can give you a few tips and ideas to improve on each and every aspect of your classes with methods and tips you may have never heard of. Pros& Cons. There’s a vast amount of resources for just about any problem you may encounter during your classes. Most guides are short and straight to the point. Cost. Free. Class Tools.

Memrise. What is it. A flashcard based application that provides students with courses to just about any topic. Courses are made by and for students. How is it useful.