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True Punk & Metal. Erik. Meade is a musician who has been a SF staple for decades. We met as neighbors in the Hayes District. San Fransisco in the mid 8. Back then if you looked different, or. Erik sort of became my. Bay area.  I moved back East  in 1.

I randomly ran into Erik. It was crazy, and was weirdly emotional for. I felt like I needed to tell him that he had influenced my entire. I ended up sending him everything I played on, and records I'd released over the years.  At any rate Erik has a. One of those bands was the. Florida death metal band Death.  Death along with Possessed pretty much. I thought it would be cool to pick.

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Erik's brain about his short time in the band. In my opinion he played on the best  demo by this Legendary metal act.  Nate - You were one of the most open minded people I'd met in. San Francisco scene.  You and your ex girlfriend Janis turned.

It was the. punk/hardcore stuff that resonated with me.  I still to this day have a. East coast hardcore bands on it (7. Uncertain, Bad Brains, SSD, Sacred Denial, Beastie Boys ep, etc). You. played bass in Death in 1.

I am trying to figure out the timeline. You were taking. me to early meetings at Gilman Street as it was just being constructed. Watch At All Costs Streaming. Tim Yo (who disliked me because I was metal dude), and.

Short Dogs Grow, and. Rhythm Pigs folks.

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Was this all taking place during the days you were in. Death, or after it?  How the hell did I miss this? Erik - I would think it was during the period I was in Death. I wouldn’t have mentioned it.  It was. I left, and I might not have mentioned it because. LOL. I'm sure I knew, but  probably acted unimpressed because I was one of those metal dudes who was transforming into.

I was rebelling against my metal roots.  I'm WAY more. Haha.  Did your days playing in Death end your playing in.

Erik - Yeah, I just played in punk and rock bands after that, as a guitarist, not a bass player. How did you end up meeting Chuck and joining Death?  What made him relocate from Florida to the Bay Area in '8. Erik - Eric Brecht was playing metal with some guys in Oakland. I had joined the group, I think as the singer. That project. quickly fell apart, but a few weeks later Eric got a call from Chuck. Eric was really excited about it, so when.

Chuck asked him if he knew any bass players, Eric asked me if I played. I didn’t really play bass much. I was a guitar player, but I said. I then created a really ridiculous.

Roland  guitar amp thru a 4. Sunn Power amp. into a 4/1.

It was an odd combo, but it worked. Chuck. flew out a few weeks later and started staying at Eric’s place, and then.

Amber who hung out in the scene. She drove him around. I assume he. moved here because the bay area had become the home of thrash metal.

How long did your time in the band last?  Why did it end?  Did Chuck. Death in the Bay Area after you guys were out, or did he.

Florida? Erik - We were only in the band for about six months and a few. Chuck and he left. He just stormed out. I think he went back to Florida. SF, but I’m not 1.

Did Eric Brecht quit DRI to Join Death?  I recall seeing DRI at the Rock On. Broadway once in 1.

Eric approached his brother Kurt after the. Death.  Kurt was totally supportive of everything Eric was telling him.

It was a cool conversation that I dropped in on. Erik - No, as I said, Eric had already left DRI when Chuck had. As for Kurt, as soon as we started rehearsing we got a call. Kurt, who was in Chicago touring with DRI.  He said “You’ll never. It’s a tape of you guys rehearsing.

It turned out that Chuck had taped our rehearsals, and then. It was at that moment that I. That was why Chuck already had a fan base in SF.

How old were you guys at the time? Erik - I would have been 2. Chuck was 1. 8 and I don't know how old Eric was, but probably 1. Did you help in any of the song writing at all, or did Chuck. Bay Area with all the songs that you were going to play. Erik - We worked on creating some of the songs that were on the.

Death LP although over the years I’ve become a bit hazy about. Chucks ideas. We may have had a hand. I bought the first LP when it came. I assume that was because he. Florida and Mantis to contend. He may have claimed ownership on later pressings. I don’t. care.  It was clearly his ideas.

Did you play on any of the demos or rehearsals that have been released through out the years? Erik. - Yes. I'm on the Back From the Dead demo which was the tape that Kurt Brecht. Chicago. Scott Carlson gave. Ruthie's Inn shows that is a much. Back from the Dead (which was recorded on a. I've thought about trying to have an engineer clean up the.

Ruthie's tape and boost up the guitar tones if possible. How many live gigs did you play with Death?  Where were they?  Most in Bay Area I assume?  Erik - As far as I can remember we only played three or four gigs. All but one of them at Ruthie’s Inn in Berkley.

The other one was at. Farm in SF with Mordred and the Rhythm Pigs. I think I recall that you guys used to practice at Turk Street Studios in SF? Erik- I honestly don’t remember where we rehearsed initially.

It. might have been Turk. But near the end we were rehearsing at a studio out by Potrero hill owned by Franco from MDC.

What was the reaction to the band by other local metal bands in the Bay Area. Did they accept Chucks move to the area?  Did they welcome the band?  I recall much competition. Bands sort of competing to get. Was Death involved in this crap? Erik - I wasn’t really that familiar with the East bay metal scene. I was part of the punk scene in SF, and was only occasionally. But the first time we played Ruthie’s I.

You. see, I had never heard of Death before Eric Brecht asked me if I’d want. I thought they were just a band with a few home made. Death were from Florida so I figured nobody in the bay area.

I didn’t realize that within the metal scene tape. So at our first show there were actually people with our band. I also remember that the opening act at our first show. Oakland band called Black Death who sounded an awful lot like us. It was an nice surprise for. I think we either played with Sacrilege BC, or at least they were at. I became friends with those guys thru Death, and.

Dave Edwardson (of Sacrilege and Violent Coercion) started. Neurosis.  He and Scott Kelly asked me to be part of it.  I lasted about. I guess they decided I wasn’t on the same page.

When I. finally called Scott he said “Oh, we decided we just want to be a three. I said, "Ok, well then, I’m gonna come over and pick up my. Scott said “Oh, that’s another thing.. Only last year Scott commented to me.