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Republican Debate The Hottest News Todayvia Google Trends. Two Words That Explain the Republican Debate (and the Campaign, as a Whole) - Esquire.

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Two Words That Explain the Republican Debate (and the Campaign, as a Whole)Esquire. Last night's Republican brawl at recess was best summed up by some anonymous soul working at the closed- captioning desk at CNN who clearly was completely fed up with the idiotic proceedings on stage and decided to let the hearing- impaired citizens of ..

Fact checking the 1. Republican debate - PBS News. Hour. Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio (L) and Donald Trump speak simultaneously at the debate sponsored by CNN for the 2.

Republican U. S. presidential candidates in Houston, Texas. Photo…Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio (L) and Donald Trump speak simultaneously at the debate sponsored by CNN for the 2. Republican U. SSo it seemed in the Republican presidential debate Thursday night.

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A look at statements in the debate and how they compare with the facts: THE FACTS: At issue, it must be said, is the F- bomb. Fox dropped it when denouncing Trump’s plans for the wall. Trump, meantime, has run a profanity- laced campaign, blurted out the S- word on multiple occasions and used an offensive term for coward against rival Ted Cruz. At a rally in New Hampshire, he declared: “We’re not going to let Mexico steal all our businesses. And Trump used the word loudly and several times in a 2. Nevada speech before he was a candidate. READ MORE: What does Donald Trump believe?

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Where the candidate stands on 1. CRUZ: “The Obama- Clinton economy has done enormous damage to the Hispanic community.”THE FACTS: The bursting of the housing bubble in late 2. Hispanic community, before Barack Obama took office. Under Obama, Hispanics have made strides from the depths of the Great Recession. Hispanics have gained 5 million jobs under Obama, a 2. But there is one key area where Hispanics are struggling to recover: Median income for that group was $2.

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Cruz exaggerates when calling it the Obama- Clinton economy. READ MORE: What does Ted Cruz believe? Where the candidate stands on 1. TRUMP: “You look at our borders, they’re like swiss cheese, everybody pours in.” And: “We have at least 1.

THE FACTS: He’s indulging in some hyperbole and his assertion about the 1. During the last budget year about 3. While there are an estimated 1. READ MORE: What does Marco Rubio believe?

Where the candidate stands on 1. MARCO RUBIO: “It is a health care law that is basically forcing companies to lay people off, cut people’s hours, move people to part- time.

THE FACTS: The claim that Obama’s health care law is a job killer is hard to square with the fact that the economy has added more than 1. Nor is there evidence that workers are being moved en masse to part- time hours. To be sure, about 6 million of those with part- time jobs would prefer full- time work but have been unable to find it. The persistence of “involuntary” part- time employment has led many economists to worry that it could be a long- term problem, but they disagree on whether the health care overhaul is the root cause of that. READ MORE: What does John Kasich believe? Where the candidate stands on 1. TRUMP: Says allowing health insurers to sell polices across state lines would spark competition, and “that’s going to solve the problem.”THE FACTS: Allowing the interstate sale of health insurance policies could result in a proliferation of lower- premium plans.

State insurance and consumer- protection regulators say such an approach would allow skimpy out- of- state policies to undercut benefits that individual states require, triggering a race to the bottom. Some insurance industry insiders see another complication: Out- of- state companies may not have adequate local networks of hospitals and doctors. READ MORE: What does Ben Carson believe? Where the candidate stands on 1.

RUBIO: Repeats a flawed claim to have wiped out an insurance “bailout” in President Barack Obama’s health care law. THE FACTS: Rubio was a vocal opponent of the “bailout.” But Republicans weren’t able to wipe it out — just limit it. At issue is a part of the health care law called “risk corridors,” intended to compensate insurers that signed up sicker- than- expected patients under the health care law, incurring high costs. SUBSCRIBE: Get the analysis of Mark Shields and David Brooks delivered to your inbox every week. TRUMP: Challenged by former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney to release his tax returns, said “I will absolutely give my return, but I’m being audited now for two or three years, so I can’t do it until the audit is finished, obviously.” He further said that he’s been audited for “1. THE FACTS: It was the first time Trump has mentioned audits as a reason to delay releasing his returns — after saying over the last several weeks he planned to make them public soon. But in any event, no level of scrutiny prevents him from making his returns public, said Joseph Thorndike, a tax law professor and contributing editor to Tax Analysts, an industry publication.

Fact check: The Texas Republican debate - USA TODAYFact check: The Texas Republican debate. USA TODAYThere were several false and misleading claims in the Feb. Businessman Donald Trump flip- flopped on making his tax returns public, one year after saying he would “certainly” release returns if he ran for president.

Trump also made the .. Republican Debate Takeaways: Descent Into a Free- for- All. New York Times. The tenth Republican debate: Top tweeted moments. CBS News. Fact- checking the Republican debate: Donald Trump offended by coarse language? Chicago Tribune. CNN - The Guardian - NPRall 5,8.

Abbreviated pundit roundup: Analyzing the Republican debate - Daily Kos. Alexander Burns at The New York Times compares the Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz strategies against Donald Trump: The debate revealed the acute urgency each candidate now feels in making his case, and…Alexander Burns at The New York Times compares the Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz strategies against Donald Trump: The debate revealed the acute urgency each candidate now feels in making his case, and captured how Mr. A different dynamic governed Thursday’s debate. Elias Isquith at Salon analyzes the healthcare attacks on Trump: [P]erhaps the weirdest twist of the night, the Republican Party’s elevation of unfeeling into a political virtue was never more obvious than when it was Trump playing the role of bleeding heart. Opposing a needless, sociopathic indifference to the suffering of the most vulnerable among us; this is the Republican Party in 2. Maybe Trump isn’t the one we should worry about after all.

Peter Weber at The Week, meanwhile, believes that Trump will still lead the pack and that the debate was a lesson for Democrats in how to handle him: Will Trump suffer in the polls or lose voters next Tuesday, on Super Tuesday, when 1. Alaska Republicans caucus?

Maybe not — nothing seems to have hurt Trump so far. Trump is very probably going to be the Republican nominee, and for political scientists and pollsters and political strategists, his success is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, as Winston Churchill once said of Russia. Eight months after Donald Trump declared he was running for president, six months after the first debate and two weeks after Mr. Only a few days remain before those Super Tuesday primaries.

We end today’s roundup with Jill Lawrence at USA Today: GOP elders were sure they knew what to do to win after Romney’s 2. Tonight's Republican debate is 4 minutes old and Patton Oswalt already won it, repeatedly - Salon. Tonight's Republican debate is 4 minutes old and Patton Oswalt already won it, repeatedly. Salon. Tonight's Republican debate is 4 minutes old and Patton Oswalt already won it, repeatedly. Ewwww, Cruz just said, 'Welcome to Texas' like he'd just pulled his dick out. GOPDebate". Scott Eric Kaufman ..

Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump, giving him backing of a top GOP figure - Los Angeles Times.

Question: Have you ever seen a teenage girl who was stronger than a teenage boy? How do you know she was stronger? What were their respective heights and weights?

Created by: ultrabomb. AM, Tuesday, November 0. PSTComments. Many, if not most, teenage adolescent boys are skinny and weak with small muscles while many teenage adolescent girls are stocky and strong with large muscles.

It should be easy to notice an adolescent girl who is bigger and stronger than an adolescent boy, even if he is way taller than she is. Anonymous. Nov 0. I was a skinny teenage boy in high school. Even then, many of the girls in high school were overweight. Because I was so skinny, I knew that every one of those girls was stronger than I was because they were all so big!!! In high school back then, just like now, the boys in their junior and senior years were already quite a bit taller than the girls. I was already six feet tall in my junior year but I weighed only 1.

Most of the chubby (and very heavy) girls were short (5'2" and under). Some were in the 5'6" range but very few were above 5'8". I was taller than every one of those girls but they all weighed much more than I did. Because they could easily see that I was as skinny as a rail even though I was very tall, some of the short chubby (and very heavy) girls who weighed much more than I did used to look way up at me in a bold manner as if to say: "I know I'm stronger than you are!!!" I figured that was their way of challenging me with their large size despite their short stature.

And they were right because while they were moving around, I could see how big the muscles in their arms and their legs were, even under all of their fat. The boys and the girls had separate gyms back then so I couldn't watch while the short heavy girls were lifting weights. However, I was sure those short heavy girls could bench press and leg press a whole lot, certainly a whole lot more than a rail- thin tall skinny guy like me. One of those girls was 4'1. I fantasized over how many pounds she could bench press and how many pounds she could lift over her head. I was sure she could do both with more than what I weigh!!!

I was too shy to ask her out because I felt so inferior to her sizewise and strengthwise. Even though I was way taller than she was, I was little in size compared to her while I was standing next to her. Watch At War With The Army Hindi Full Movie on this page.

I was over a foot taller than she was but she outweighed me by fifty pounds!!! I was certain that she could easily lift me over her head but I never had the nerve to ask her to try. Watch Killing Zoe Download Full on this page. Oh, well. After high school, I had quite a few short heavy girlfriends, one of whom actually lifted me over her head!!!

I'm sure it must look funny to some people when they see a short fat girl lift a tall skinny guy over her head. An Anonymous Tall Skinny Guy!!! Nov 0. 4 2. 00. 9 1: 2. As a very tall, very skinny guy standing in total shock and disbelief, I have to admit that I got A HUGE, MASSIVE ERECTION right after I looked way down at a very short, very fat (AND VERY STRONG!!!) girl standing in front of me who had just finished outlifting me in weightlifting. At the time she outlifted me, I stood well over a foot taller than she did but she weighed many dozens of pounds more than I did. I also must admit that I was quite embarrassed after I watched her lift a fully- loaded heavy barbell over her head that I tried but was totally unable to lift even above my knees!!! As she and I were standing in front of each other immediately afterward, while I was looking way down at her and she was looking way up at me, I could no longer control my huge erection.

I went straight into the bathroom and she didn't even know that I immediately jerked off right after I closed the door!!! I was outlifted previously by quite a few short fat girls but not one of those girls was as short or as fat (OR AS STRONG!!!) as this very short, very fat girl who outlifted me.

I was embarrassed and sexually aroused at the same time!!! Very tall very skinny guy outlifted by very short very fat girl. Nov 0. 5 2. 00. 9 1. I was a very skinny teenage boy, being as tall as I am today but with no muscle at all. I was 1. 83 cm and 5. I was 2. 0, then I started to get some muscle on my body and today I am 4.

Today I would consider myself stronger than the average woman but weaker than the average man. When I was a teenager all the girls in my class could beat me at armwrestling and my closest girlfriends could beat me in seconds when we wrestled for fun. When I was 1. 7 years old a 1. Very embarrassing. I was 3. 0 years old before I could beat me mother at armwrestling (she was quite a bit heavier than me), she was then 5. But little by little my body has grown.

I am today married to a woman that is about my weight, I can beat her when we armwrestle right hands but always loose with my left, she is stronger in her legs so when we sometimes playwrestle she wins if she wants to. But I am happy to put up a good fight, if I had stayed as thin as I was as a teenager I would have been a lot weaker than the average woman. Ex- skinny. Nov 0. Just like way back then, a short big lady who is bigger, heavier and stronger than I am really turns me on!!! When I was a teenager, I always encountered a short girl who was bigger, heavier and stronger than I was even though I stood way taller than she did. Currently (and proudly) A TALL SKINNY MAN!!!

Nov 1. 2 2. 00. 9 1. A very tall, very skinny teenage guy who is weak becomes sexually aroused immediately upon the sight of a very short, very fat teenage girl who is strong, especially if he knows she is way bigger, heavier and stronger than he is!!! Anonymous. Nov 1. I was very skinny and weak as a teenage boy, and I had such tiny little upper arms that I could easily wrap my fingers around them so they met. When I was 1. 5 I was five feet eight and weighed just six stones, and lost an arm- wrestle against a small nine year old girl in front of her friends. Watch Cartel Land Online Cartel Land Full Movie Online. Another time not long after that, a twelve year old girl held my arms down with one hand and tickled me with the other, and I couldn't stop her, no matter how hard I tried.

By the time I was 1. I had grown to 6 foot 2 but still only weighed 9 stones, and I lost an arm- wrestle against a slim 1. She even let me stand up and use both arms, and I couldn't beat her.

Not long after that my friend made me go to the gym and do bench presses, and I could only manage to just about do the 2. It was so emasculating and humiliating to be so weak, but it felt very effeminate and sexy too. I lost at wrestling to lots of younger boys too, the worst occasions were losing to a 6 year old when I was 1. I was 2. 0. ticklish girly- arms. Feb 1. 0 2. 01. 0 1: 4. Growing up I had a friend, Maryanne, who was bigger and stronger than her own brother. He was a year older than her.

I'm sure it emabarassed him to no end to know that his younger sister was bigger and stronger than him. I remember going to her house and hearing shouting coming from inside. She would chase her brother around the house and would invariably catch up and tackle him down. I felt bad for him, especially because I thought he was cute.

Maryanne would pummel him and leave him with bruises and a bloody nose. She would then grab his ear and make him say out loud that she was stronger than him. They moved away when we turned 1.

I never heard from them again. I wonder if he ever grew bigger/stronger than her. Amy. Mar 1. 5 2. 01.

I saw my 1. 4 year old cousin beat up this emo boy in the local park. She grabbed his skinny arms and made him submit to her. It was kind of comical, watching this girl beat up a boy.

Try as he might, he couldn't stop her or overpower her. She sat on his chest and threatened to pull his ballies off if he told anyone. She let him up and he ran away. Poor kid. Anonymous. Mar 1. 5 2. 01. 0 8: 4. My comment deals more with a grown woman being stronger than a teenage boy.

When I was a kid, there was this family up the block. The father re- married this large woman.

I remember when the boy was about 1.