Alpha Alert Full Movie

Enterprise (NX- 0. Memory Alpha. Multiple realities(covers information from several alternate timelines)Enterprise. Status: "We're making history with every light year."One of the most important starships in interstellar history, Enterprise (NX- 0. NX Project. The NX- 0. NX- class starship, launched by the United Earth. Starfleet in 2. 15.

Enterprise established United Earth as a legitimate interstellar power and caused a wholesale revolution in Alpha and Beta Quadrant politics, paving the way for the creation of the Coalition of Planets in 2. United Federation of Planets in 2. Development Edit. Enterprise at warp. For Humanity to make space exploration missions possible within a single natural lifetime, Humans had to make themselves capable of traveling faster than warp 1, the speed of light. After Zefram Cochrane made a successful warp test flight in the Phoenix in 2. In 2. 11. 9, several engineers, such as Henry Archer and Cochrane himself, began the work that paved the way directly to Enterprise, at the Warp Five Complex in Bozeman, Montana.

Over the next thirty- two years, warp engine development continued until Humanity's first warp 5 engine was created. This engine was capable of speeds that finally made interstellar travel in more survivable periods possible – that is, in days, weeks or months, instead of years.

Consequently, Humanity was able to construct its first warp 5 capable starship, Enterprise, completed in 2. Initially, Enterprise had a theoretical maximum speed of warp 4. Aside from its engine, Enterprise was also the first Earth vessel to be equipped with a transporter rated for transporting biological organisms. ENT: "Broken Bow") However, the machine malfunctioned a number of times before the initial bugs were worked out.

ENT: "Strange New World", "Vanishing Point") The preferred method of travel was still the shuttlepod, unless all other options were exhausted. After trips in the pod, it was standard procedure for returning crew and passengers to utilize the decontamination chamber. ENT: "Broken Bow", et al.) The ship was not as advanced in all areas, however; unlike the Vulcan ships of its day, it did not possess tractor beams, merely magnetic grapplers. ENT: "Broken Bow", "Breaking the Ice", et al.). Enterprise had a standard crew complement of eighty- three Humans, with the addition of a Vulcan and a Denobulan; approximately a third of the crew was female. ENT: "Oasis", "Rajiin", "E²").

In the final draft script of "Oasis", the female contingent aboard Enterprise was said to be "about" a third of the crew. This was clearly changed, as evidenced by the final version of the episode, to become "nearly" a third of the crew. Prior to its launch, Captain. Gardner was considered for command of Enterprise, regarded as the most suitable choice by Ambassador. Soval. Admiral. Maxwell Forrest ultimately narrowed down the candidates for the captaincy to Jonathan Archer and A.

G. Robinson instead, though, pointing out that the Vulcan High Command was not in charge of Starfleet's personnel assignments. In 2. 15. 0, the year her keel was laid, Forrest finally selected Archer. Watch Offender Streaming.

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Alpha Alert Full Movie

The warrior ethos had been an important aspect of Klingon society since the time of Kahless, but the warrior aspects became much more dominant beginning in the early.

ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem", "First Flight"). A drawing of Enterprise. The historical significance of Enterprise was related in a drawing of the ship that hung in Archer's ready room; the image was part of a series of paintings, depicting the historical lineage of ships called Enterprise. Watch Song Of Paris Online Gorillavid. ENT: "Broken Bow").

Alpha Alert Full Movie

The print of Enterprise, as well as the other paintings in this series, were made by John Eaves, who, due to an oversight on his part, had only twenty- four hours to produce the drawings. For information on the other illustrations, see Captain's ready room. Launch and early missions Edit. Watch Scourge Hindi Full Movie.

Enterprise in spacedock. Following the Broken Bow Incident in April 2. Enterprise was rearranged for three weeks ahead of schedule.

The reason the ship's maiden voyage was brought forward was that United Earth needed to return Klaang, a Klingon, to his homeworld of Qo'no. S. (ENT: "Broken Bow"). In the ENT series bible, the change in rescheduling was said to be three months, rather than three weeks. Enterprise's launch. The early launch was strongly protested by Vulcan Ambassador. Soval, who believed Humanity was not ready to explore space. He did manage to wrangle a concession from Starfleet, forcing Archer to allow the placement of Sub- Commander.

T'Pol, of the Vulcan High Command, on his vessel in exchange for Vulcan star charts. The send- off went ahead, Enterprise launching from the Orbital Drydock Facility on April 1. Captain Archer's command. ENT: "Broken Bow") However, the vessel's early launch meant it left spacedock somewhat unfinished; its spatial torpedoes were uncalibrated, and its phase cannons had not even been installed.

ENT: "Fight or Flight"). In the ENT series bible, it was stated that the systems which still needed to be tested when the ship launched included "dilithium injectors and hand phasers." [2]Once Klaang was returned, Enterprise soon explored an argon- rich planet occupied by slug- like animals. The ship's spatial torpedoes were calibrated in the heat of battle, in May of 2. Axanar. (ENT: "Fight or Flight") Not long afterwards, the crew descended on and explored their first class M planet, eventually named Archer IV. ENT: "Strange New World", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" library computer file) The crew also made first contact with a pre- warp civilization shortly afterwards. ENT: "Civilization").

DVD and Blu-ray release dates for upcoming movies plus entertainment news and celebrity information. Want to know when the latest box office smash is coming to DVD.

The phase cannons were not installed until September of 2. Enterprise battled an unknown enemy. ENT: "Silent Enemy") When a Mazarite ship attacked Enterprise in February 2. Enterprise's aft sensors. ENT: "Singularity") Enterprise reached Warp 5 for the first time while attempting to outrun the Mazarite ship and carrying Vulcan ambassador V'Lar.

ENT: "Fallen Hero"). The final draft script of "Silent Enemy" established that, by the time of that episode, interior inspections of the ship were carried out by Captain Archer and Commander Charles "Trip" Tucker "on a regular basis since Enterprise was launched."As part of dialogue included in the script for "Shadows of P'Jem" (both the first draft and the final draft) but not in the final edit of that episode, Enterprise was said to be six hours away from Coridan when Captain Archer informed T'Pol that she was about to be recalled to Vulcan in two days.

In the final edit of the episode, there is no such indication of the distance between the ship and its destination of Coridan at that point in the story.