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Team Building Games Training Ideas and Tips. Great teamwork makes things happen more than anything else in organizations.

The diagram representing Mc. Gregor's X- Y Theory helps illustrate how and why empowered teams get the best results. Empowering people is more about attitude and behaviour towards staff than processes and tools.

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Teamwork is fostered by respecting, encouraging, enthusing, caring for people, not exploiting or dictating to them. At the heart of this approach is love and spirituality which helps bring mutual respect, compassion, and humanity to work.

People working for each other in teams is powerful force, more than skills, processes, policies. More than annual appraisals, management- by- objectives, the 'suits' from head office; more than anything. Teams usually become great teams when they decide to do it for themselves - not because someone says so. Something inspires them maybe, but ultimately the team decides. It's a team thing. It has to be. The team says: 'Okay. We can bloody well make a difference. We will be the best at what we do.

We'll look out for each other and succeed - for us - for the team. And we'll make sure we enjoy ourselves while we're doing it'. And then the team starts to move mountains. People are best motivated if you can involve them in designing and deciding the activities - ask them. Secondly you will gain most organisational benefit if the activities are geared towards developing people's own potential - find out what they will enjoy doing and learning. Games can be trite or patronising for many people - they want activities that will help them learn and develop in areas that interest them for life, beyond work stuff - again ask them. When you ask people commonly you'll have several suggestions which can be put together as a collection of experiences that people attend or participate in on a rotating basis during the day or the team- building event.

THE MOBIUS STRIP Spring 2017. Watch The Counterfeiters Online. THE. NEXT PRACTICE INSTITUTE. All of the contributors to this special issue are keynoters or faculty members. Here are techniques, theory and ideas for designing and using your own team building games, exercises and activities, and tips for using the many free team and group.

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Perhaps you have people among your employees who themselves have special expertise or interests which they'd enjoy sharing with others; great team activities can be built around many hobbies and special interests. If you are planning a whole day of team- building activities bear in mind that a whole day of 'games' is a waste of having everyone together for a whole day. Find ways to provide a mix of activities that appeal and help people achieve and learn - maybe build in exercises focusing on one or two real work challenges or opportunities, using a workshop approach. Perhaps involve a few employees in planning the day (under your guidance or not according to the appropriate level of delegated authority) - it will be good for their own development and will lighten your load.

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See also the guide to facilitating experiential learning activities. Team- building exercises and activities also provide a wonderful opportunity to bring to life the increasing awareness and interest in 'ethical organizations'.

These modern ethical business ideas and concepts of sustainability, 'Fairtrade', corporate social responsibility, the 'triple bottom line', love, compassion, humanity and spirituality, etc., are still not well defined or understood: people are unclear what it all means for them individually and for the organization as a whole, even though most people are instinctively attracted to the principles. Team- exercises and discussions help bring clarity and context to idealistic concepts like ethics and social responsibility far more effectively than reading the theory, or trying to assimilate some airy- fairy new mission statement dreamed up by someone at head office and handed down as an edict. Fundamental change has to come from within, with support from above sure, but successful change is ultimately successful because people 'own' it and see it as their change, not something handed down. Watch A Girl Like Grace Putlocker.

See for example the Triple Bottom Line exercise. Ensure that team- building activities and all corporate events comply with equality and discrimination policy and law in respect of gender, race, disability, age, etc. Age discrimination is a potential risk given certain groups and activities, and particularly so because Age Discrimination is quite a recent area of legislation. Team- building facilitators should be familiar with Employment Age Regulations and wider issues of Equality Law and its protections against discrimination for reasons of race, gender, disability, etc. While this is UK and European legislation, the principles are applicable to planning and running team- building exercises anywhere in the world, being consistent with the ethical concepts. Watch Den Of Darkness Online IMDB. Also consider the effects of team building and corporate events in terms of effects on employees' families and people's broader life needs. It is easy to become very narrowly focused on the organization and the community within it, without thinking of the families and social needs outside.

Alcohol is another increasing area of risk for organizers of team building and conference events. An employer's duty of care (and potential liability) at corporate events traditionally was fulfilled by ensuring no- one tripped over the electrical cable for the overhead projector.

Nowadays organizations have a deeper wider responsibility, which is progressively reflected in law. Alcohol and discrimination are big issues obviously, but arguably a bigger responsibility for employers is to the families and social well- being of employees, which impacts directly onto society as a whole. Today's well- led and ethically- managed corporations understand that divisive treatment of employees' partners and families undermines loyalty and motivation of employees, and creates additional unnecessary stresses for workers in close loving caring relationships, especially for young families, which have evolved a strong sensitivity to such pressures.

If you read about Erik Erikson's Life Stages Theory you will understand why parents of young children especially are not helped by this sort of work pressure. Thwarting or obstructing people's instincts - evolved over millennia - to be with and take care of their partners and young families is extremely destructive. Employers who have a blatant antipathy for these crucial life needs of their people are therefore socially irresponsible. Inevitably strong work commitments put pressure on employees' families and partners.

This is particularly so in big modern corporations where travel and lengthy absence from home is unavoidable in key roles. Modern ethical socially responsible organizations should be doing whatever they can to minimize these effects, not make them worse. Where possible employers should reward partners and families for their support and loyalty, rather than alienate them by creating selfish staff- only events. Laws are not yet clearly defined about the employer's liabilities arising from such situations, however there are clear principles (e.

Moreover, fostering a healthy work and home life balance tends to make organizations run smoother and less problematically, notably in areas of grievance and counseling, stress and conflict, disputes and litigation, recruitment and staff retention, succession planning, company reputation and image. I was prompted to add this item because I received a question about the implications of running a staff- only dinner dance at a conference event. If you are considering a staff- only social event - especially at night, involving alcohol, dancing, overnight accommodation - or you are wondering generally where to draw the line between working relationships and intimacy, or between fun and irresponsible risk, these observations might help you decide. Implications and risks of organizing socially irresponsible events concern chiefly: The risks of running a socially irresponsible corporate event are emphasised if you consider a scenario containing the following elements. Do not run an event containing these elements.