Watch Dorothy Mills Online Free 2016

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Watch Dorothy Mills Online Free 2016

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Archer Senft Updates 2. This page has updates for. For the Latest Update Click Here. We have added a DONATE button to the top this page. Watch I Spit On Your Grave 3 Online. Please use that button at the top of this page if you want to make an online donation.

We are grateful for the outpouring of support we have received. Click Here for more info about how the donations are processed to help Archer. If you want to make a donation by check, please make payable to Archer Senft Special Needs Trust and send to Archer at 1. Longwood Road, Baltimore MD 2.

Thank you! This page is dedicated to the progress and recovery of our 1. Archer Senft. On August 5, 2. Archer broke the C5 vertebra in his neck while swimming in Cape May, NJ. Watch Two Men In Town Hindi Full Movie. After working the lunch rush in the kitchen as the cook at the Beach Club of Cape May, Archer went down to jump in the ocean and cool off before returning to clean up and get ready for the next day. He dove into a sandbar and suffered the injury. Luckily, Archer was surrounded by capable and caring lifeguards and friends, and he was quickly taken to Atlanticare Regional Medical Center in Atlantic City, NJ. We’ve created this page to keep friends and family updated.

We appreciate your prayers, support and words of hope during this time when it matters most. The road ahead is long, but we will be with Arch every moment of the way. Right now, Archer is paralyzed from the top of the chest on down.

The Senfts believe in miracles and the power of your prayers. Please keep praying for Archer to recover; we are storming heaven! This picture was taken outside of The Food Market in Hampden, Baltimore on Archer’s birthday in July.

Archer loves to cook and bake, so the evening was extra special! LATEST UPDATE FROM THE SENFT FAMILY: June 1. Archer Senft Family & Friends Update. It’s been and still is a very momentous day. Archer graduated from high school today. He was voted by his classmates to give the commencement speech. He delivered it beautifully, but only after giving us all a scare by almost tipping over in his 5.

He pitched forward and his body landed on the TBar that he maneuvers to move the chair, causing the chair to race forward. It was a close call, avoided by interception of a faculty member. We continue to require a village. Thank you. Archer’s message in his speech was Hope. It was beautiful. He got a standing ovation.  The board of trustees also awarded him the Character and Influence award. Another standing ovation, 3 in all, all initiated by the students.

Truly memorable. Gosh I was so very proud. Very full. Very grateful. Thank you for your prayers and all you have each done to bring Arch and us to this day. And take in the sweetness of new chapters. New beginnings. Fr Bruno Lanteri, pray for us. Begin Again. Someday Archer Senft will return to that grassy hill walking.

Sending love Amen. Wednesday, May 3, 2.

Archer Senft. Friends & Family Update. SUNDAY, 4- 3. 0- 1. Month 2. 0We can never hope too much; the one who hopes for everything, obtains everything. Fr. Bruno, Pray for us.

God always listens to our pleas and our whispers. I couldn’t help but feel joy and gratitude in every cell of my being as I watched Archer roll across the Mc. Donogh School stage this past Monday.  I watched him lift his right arm and extend his hand, always wrapped carefully in an arm and wrist splint so it’s not floppy and so he can extend it, to shake hands with his School Headmaster. It was beautiful. A simple gesture really, but one that takes great effort for Archer as he still has no feeling, no sensation in his arms or his hands. But a cultural gesture he knows well to do which was graciously received by Mr. Britton. Archer was being inducted into the Cum Laude Society.  It was so beautiful.  Isn’t that awesome?

Yes, there was a certain awkwardness, as it was a bit clumsy given that Archer has no means of accepting an award in the usual way, no ability to grasp or hold or even know if an object is touching his body unless he can see it and know from experience before 8- 5- 1. And for Archer, it doesn’t matter.  He lives life as if it just doesn’t matter. Archer maneuvered his powerchair using the T- bar in which his left hand rests, powered also by his left shoulder pushing his hand as if an extension. He stopped his chair in front of his headmaster, and Mr. Britton gently placed the signed parchment certificate on Archer’s legs, his lap, a fine resting spot.  It also didn’t matter that it took a few extra moments for this ritual with a new twist to be completed. The auditorium packed with students and Mc.

Donogh parents was hush quiet while Archer stopped the powerchair and then manipulated the T- bar to move his big 5. Mr. Britton’s side to make it easier for his headmaster to drape the yellow gold ribbon and Cum Laude Society pin around Archer’s neck.  We all waited and I think watched as much in curiosity as in amazement. It was a real moment.  He did it.

And there it was, the symbol of an academic achievement worn around his neck. How fitting. Ironic, isn’t it? The achievement and all it has taken to catch up, stay current and excel draped gently and lovingly around his neck. His neck. That once shattered neck. I could feel the wet tears rolling down my cheeks as we all clapped at the end and felt so proud.

So grateful. So full. How beautiful. He never ceases to amaze us.  Thank you, God. You never cease to be with us and help us.

But you know what was equally moving to me…. Each upper school student who was also being inducted into Cum Laude Society, each wearing their kaki pants or skirts and their navy blue school blazers with the Mc. Donogh seal, each was also donning another emblem, the small one- inch orange and black button with the words Archer Strong written across.  That is what took my breath away.

Almost every student from the past year who was on stage as well as the current students receiving the prestigious and hard- earned academic honor, one by one, walked onto the stage with the Archer Strong button on the lapel of their blazer, boys and girls alike.  I loved each one of those dear young persons so very much in that moment. I thought my chest would burst in gratitude for each of them, that gesture, that love, that solidarity. What amazing young men and women.  After all, it was their day. A day for the spotlight to shine on each of them. They didn’t have to share it in that way, but they did. And you know what, it felt like it only added. It didn’t take anything away; it made for greater celebration of each of them.

Aren’t young people amazing? Capable of really extraordinary things. Even little things that mean so very much. Thank you, Mc. Donogh Cum Laude Society students.  It means more than you know. And as for Archer, well, it’s an inspiring aspect of Archer I must say, his inner drive. His love of learning and of school.  I really never had a chance to write the education chapter, as it was always happening but there was just so much more happening medically.  But in essence, Archer told me within weeks of the fateful dive while in the ICU, using our message board of letters since he could not talk because of the ventilator and oxygen and feeding tubes in his nose and mouth, that he wanted to graduate with his class.  It’s as if he knew something we didn’t know.  I mean, the ICU was telling us in the first days that Archer would be discharged and we should look for a rehab center where he would be rehabbed for 2- 4 weeks and he would then come home.  Can you believe that?

It’s true. 1. 0 days in ICU and 2- 4 weeks of rehab. He was strong and athletic and that is what they thought. And then everything changed after week two in the ICU, and they told us we needed to find a long- term acute care facility, as Archer would never breathe or walk or move on his own. It was that radical of a change. In the insurance scramble and the chaos, I had received a call from a stranger, now I see her as an angel, affiliated with an organization that had been following these very blogs.

They had medical knowledge of quadriplegics.